Sunday 17 July 2022

Mick O'Donnell Confusing Stratification With Instantiation And Delicacy

David Rose wrote: The semantic networks appear to re-systemicise the LG systems.

But that is exactly the role of semantics, a more abstract representation of the utterance. I also note the "systemicisation" in the semantics may reflect a totally different way choices are realised in the grammar. For instance, the choices in the speech functional network reflect lexicogram choices in clause mood and mood-tag, but also in intonation, and in one case the clause complex. So, the SEMANTIC NETWORK generalises over various forms across the grammar, which is what one would want.

Blogger Comments:

[1] This confuses the hierarchy of stratification with the cline of instantiation. To be clear, the semantic stratum is more abstract than lexicogrammatical stratum, whereas the utterance is the text, an instance of the system.

[2] This confuses the hierarchy of stratification (symbolic abstraction) with the scale of delicacy (generalisation).

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