Monday, 24 March 2025

David Kellogg On Recursion

David Kellogg wrote to sys-func on 24 Mar 2025 at 08:53:

On pp. 212-213 of Vol. 1 in the Collected Works ("Modes of Meaning and MOdes of Expression", first published in 1979), Halliday first distinguishes between the experiential mode (which makes reference to events and things) and the logical one (which does not, and which therefore is not obviously or directly bound to rank and can apply at the level of the word, the group/phrase, and the clause. Logical structures, he notes, are RECURSIVE. But what he means by recursive is not very clear to me (that is, if I understand it correctly, it is based on a kind of reification, an assumption that system networks are actually real things and not simply the way we model language in order to understand it). 

His example is the one I've raised here before. To use a example that is slightly racier than the usual opposition between "eager to please" and "easy to please"::

HYPOTACTIC: She tore up the letter, which upset me (the tearing upset me because it was from MY old lover).
RANKSHIFTED: She tore up the letter which upset me (it upset me because it was from HER old lover).

(N.B. this is an entirely fictitious example that has no relationship to actual events and things). 

On p. 213, Halliday says that the second RANKSHIFTED one is not a recursive structure at all, but I cannot follow his reasoning. What he says is t"The recursion like effect that is produced is an incidental ocutome of the selection, at a particular place in structure, of an item from the same rank or from a higher rank in the constituent hierarchy". This is what recursion means to me. But it's not what it means for Halliday at all, because he goes on to say that "True recursion arises when there is a recursive option in the network, of the form shown in Figure 14." and then shows a system network which features two simultaneous options, A and B with B offering "stop" and a "go" option which takes you back to the beginning. Halliday seems to be saying that because this is unmarked for rank, it can go on forever, unlike the instance of embedding (and I can see that in fact once the letter is destroyed, things stop, but the hypotactic story can go on, as in my "because" continuation). 

But this is reification. First of all, there is the assumption that a system network can actually CREATE a difference instead of simply model it. And secondly, there is the assumption that language can "go on forever"--that may be true of some mathematical models, but if we are modeling language in a way that shows it to be infinite (in actuality and not simply in potential) we are not modeling a human language.


ChatGPT comments:
There are a few key points where your interpretation may not fully align with Halliday’s intent.

First, when you suggest that Halliday’s view of recursion “is based on a kind of reification” and assumes “system networks are actually real things,” this does not quite capture the role that system networks play in SFL. Halliday is not treating system networks as entities that exist independently of the model; rather, they are representations of meaning potential. The difference he draws between “true recursion” and a “recursion-like effect” is not about imposing artificial constraints but about recognising that system networks define choices, and true recursion occurs only when a system includes an option to re-enter itself.

This ties directly to your reading of the rankshifted clause, She tore up the letter which upset me. You suggest that rankshift exhibits recursion because a unit at the same rank is embedded within another. However, Halliday explicitly distinguishes between embedding (which affects structure) and recursion (which affects system choices). The presence of an embedded clause does not mean that a recursive loop is occurring in the system network—it simply means that a clause is functioning as a unit within another structure. Rankshift is structurally embedded but does not create an ongoing systemic cycle in the way that hypotaxis does. This is the crucial difference.

Finally, your concern that Halliday’s model “shows language to be infinite in actuality and not simply in potential” does not quite reflect how meaning potential works in SFL. Language is only infinite in potential because recursive systemic choices can theoretically continue indefinitely—but in any instance of meaning, this potential is always finite. The model is not claiming that human languages are infinite in actualisation, only that their meaning potential includes recursive possibilities.

Clarification of Halliday’s Definition vs. Kellogg’s Misreading

Halliday defines recursion in a system network as the ability of a system to include a choice that leads back to an earlier point in the network, allowing for the repetition of structures. Crucially, this is not an ontological claim about language but a methodological way of modelling the potential for recursive structures in discourse. The key insight is that recursion in systemic grammar is about the architecture of choices, not the mere existence of infinite loops.

Kellogg misreads this by treating the system network as if it were a real-world entity that must somehow physically "re-enter itself" (his wording, "an actual existing thing"). But system networks are representations of meaning potential, not objects in the world. His argument collapses because it assumes that Halliday is making a claim about recursion as a property of material reality rather than a property of the model we use to analyse linguistic structure.

This misunderstanding leads to his claim that distinguishing system choices from structure is a form of reification. However, this is precisely what Halliday’s model does to avoid reification—it treats structure as the realisation of system choices, not as an inherent feature of language independent of meaning-making. Kellogg’s accusation of reification backfires because it's his interpretation, not Halliday’s, that illegitimately treats the model as an ontological claim. 

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