First, when you suggest that Halliday’s view of recursion “is based on a kind of reification” and assumes “system networks are actually real things,” this does not quite capture the role that system networks play in SFL. Halliday is not treating system networks as entities that exist independently of the model; rather, they are representations of meaning potential. The difference he draws between “true recursion” and a “recursion-like effect” is not about imposing artificial constraints but about recognising that system networks define choices, and true recursion occurs only when a system includes an option to re-enter itself.This ties directly to your reading of the rankshifted clause, She tore up the letter which upset me. You suggest that rankshift exhibits recursion because a unit at the same rank is embedded within another. However, Halliday explicitly distinguishes between embedding (which affects structure) and recursion (which affects system choices). The presence of an embedded clause does not mean that a recursive loop is occurring in the system network—it simply means that a clause is functioning as a unit within another structure. Rankshift is structurally embedded but does not create an ongoing systemic cycle in the way that hypotaxis does. This is the crucial difference.Finally, your concern that Halliday’s model “shows language to be infinite in actuality and not simply in potential” does not quite reflect how meaning potential works in SFL. Language is only infinite in potential because recursive systemic choices can theoretically continue indefinitely—but in any instance of meaning, this potential is always finite. The model is not claiming that human languages are infinite in actualisation, only that their meaning potential includes recursive possibilities.
Chris, I'd be much more interested in YOUR take on what Chat GPT "says".Here's my take:The first para says that it's not reification--but the reasoning in the paragraph is a clear instance of reification. To say "true recursion occurs only when a system includes an option to re-enter itself" makes no sense unless we assume that the system is an actual existing thing, and not a model of some actual existing thing..The second para confirms this reading: it assumes that you can separate system choices from structures and "system choices" still exist in the real world. But they don't.The third para simply ignores what was actually said--not only by ChatGPT but by Halliday--about recursion: both describe it as infiniteI don't think that constitutes an answer, or even a serious consideration of the question. But it was a serious question.
ChatGPT Comments:
Let’s now dissect David Kellogg’s rhetorical strategies in his reply.
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