Sunday 23 October 2011

Sys-Func Discussion Of Theme Analysis [2]

Lise Fontaine replied on sys-func at 18:12 on 12 October 2011:
I agree with Tom's view.  There are many examples related to this:
after they got married
right after they got married
one year after they got married
10 years after the got married
and there are other prepositions which follow similar patterns.  In IFG terms this ('one year after') constitutes a prepositional group within a prepositional phrase.

Blogger Comments:

(1) Lise says she agrees with Tom's view, even though Tom mistakenly analyses one year after as a conjunction group, while she mistakenly analyses it as a preposition group.

(2) In IFG terms:

after they got married is a clause initiated by the (unmodified) conjunction group after
right after they got married is a clause initiated by the (premodified) conjunction group right after
one year [[after they got married]] is a nominal group with an embedded clause as Qualifier
10 years [[after they got married]] is a nominal group with an embedded clause as Qualifier
those twenty unforgettable though nightmarish years [[after they got married]] is a nominal group with an embedded clause as Qualifier

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